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Heather Jenny | Physical Therapist | Wellness Coach
Heather Jenny | Physical Therapist | Wellness Coach

Heather Jenny, PT, MA, PRC

I learned quickly that generic exercises or stretches were not going to fix the root of most people’s pains.

My early career focus was on pelvic floor (PF) dysfunction. The pelvic floor only functions with the other muscles of the core and breathing.  To effectively treat PF problems, you have to practice in a collaborative way with other providers. This led to the development of a sexual medicine and pelvic pain clinic in Omaha, NE. The clinic included physicians, nurses, mental health providers and of course, physical therapy. All integrated to help clients heal. 

However, during that same time, I was having my own pains and I couldn’t fix myself. I was managing my own scoliosis, an arthritic old ankle fracture and I had birthed three children with my own pelvic floor dysfunction. I knew I needed to seek out a different type of treatment.  Ultimately, it led me to the Postural Restoration Institute (r) (PRI). I started managing myself through the asymmetrical, reciprocal lens of PRI and my pain went away. I used the same ideas to treat my clients and their pain went away. I dug deep into the science of asymmetry and became certified in PRI in 2013. 

As the science evolved, it became very clear that the body and the mind must both be involved in healing. I was led towards specialized body and mind therapy’s in breathing, yoga, trauma and somatic healing. 

I love talking to clients about how their breathing, both the mechanics of HOW

My unique skill set helps you heal